posted Oct 1st 2024, expire: ~one month People, Quite some while now, I get to deal with what is sometimes referred to as 'corrupt deep state spooks (and some of them with access to hefty means/training). Many years ago, even before 2015, quite some of em so called corrupt spooks got clear information and indications about me being defended and corruption being addressed. Attacking tries did not went the way they expected/calculated/preferred. They noticed it very clearly, including statistically, already before 2015 (attacking tries started to become more severe/radical ~late 2013). However, corruption got so much 'on the so called line' that they figured 'no way back whatsoever', giving in to kind of criminal psychology (effect from knowingly committing crimes) as sometimes explained via wording as 'to hang or to get away' where so called 'winning' pretty much becomes equivalent of 'getting away'. In other words, they got so much to hide and so much criminal connected to the case with me, that they figured no other feasable way to them but to supposedly 'win' of me and any defending of me, in order to -so to say- 'not hang themselves' with 'criminality' 'they brought to the case either indirectly or directly'. Many years ago, even before 2015, I got knowledge about corrupt tries to connect whatever they figured 'possibly able to support defense' to me. This involved influential family members I got and people within the network I got, corruption tried to connect them to defense. It became this nasty, that they even tried attack people secretly if they SUSPECTED POSSIBLITY of being connnected to defense. Just to try get more information via attacking, meanwhile trying to discredit me with victims in quite some cases (trying to indirectly let victims know that attacking tries were related to me) and also to discourage WANTING to try defend me and sometimes it went even this far that; they attacked several people they didnt even know for sure were in the network i got, just because they thought they might be part of defending me. i got serious information about several people of whom some werent even in the network i got. They also tried this with so called 'hacking scene', since I got some experience with this already stemming from ~1995 etc. So I got to know they were already trying to spy on quite some in the scene. I got to figure like if I try get back at IRC, I * might get to inform people about attacking tries around me, attacking tries going so far as to try tie people to defense i got. * might get to inform people about how/that they're being spied at, also via cons and ctf/lan games etc. in general already and also to see if they would be or were connected to me * might get to stimulate better more accurate discussion about severity of corruption with many state of law implementation across many countries * might get to stimulate better and more accurate discussion about attacking methods/technology like whats a bit sensationalistically called psychotronics and otherwise lesser known more modern weapon/conflict-technology such as acoustic weaponry / directed energy weapons and also deprivation tactics etc. * also might get to inform about many lesser known quite potent defending tactics/strategies/possibilities, many in reach of 'regular persons' * also might get remote places to socialize a bit, try to 'unload' a bit, meanwhile; socialize remotely with many people quite easily proven not really much affiliated with me personally, so i would get much possibilities without really bringing threats to people in fact warning them about threats already tried with them at the same time. * also might get lots of information/help/support from other people, about subjects/etc i might not yet get much knowledge/experience about * meanwhile trying to enhance defense potential by intimidating attacking spooks via pulling in lots of people they couldnt easily predict and research with limited means, i though 'the more the better', so i tried lure many people into curiosity not just via trying to get hackers to investigate even if they thought i'd be lame but also in many many other ways like luring in radio hobbyists, journalists and many different law enforcement people from quite some different countries etc etc. basically comes down to this; many people wouldnt really ask enough questions to even understand situation i got to be in plus be able to support, however they got LOADS of warnings where i tried to warn them that i got into severe cases, which jeopardized the spying some spooks tried with some tech savvy people, they got WAY less room to spy and felt like WAY more need to check and double check WAY more people than before i tried 'noise around'. meaning they basically lost over half of their attacking potential already via this type of defense methodology and even the people who didnt want to believe what happened got warned plus got much information offered and already served as handy parts of defense tactics even if they wanted to attack me thinkig i would be trolling or something along those lines. over some time now im getting information that attacking tries are continuing in such manner that when i connected e.g. to some irc corruption continues to frantically try see what other connections are to that particular network and try to find whatever they think themselves even remotely able to abuse against me or hide themselves with (so also trying to find a case with other people on such net to make it appear more as if they were doing legit state work) they tried attacking multiple people i got in contact with or who were 'hanging' on the same irc i got connected to however much defending has been taking place, sometimes obfuscating people via pops/routers/etc without the actual people even realizing themselves, still however much attacking tries have been countered in multiple ways, we get some bunch of severely corrupt goons who try to continue, who WANT to be dangerous, who figure themselves able to kill or otherwise act violently disguised as if 'professional' in some other cases defending parties found that some irc peeps were connected to attacking tries, however mostly misinformed as in thinking i would be some pedo hoster etc. or some dangerous blackhat (which im absolutely not by the way, however i do not favor full disclosure and some people DO consider me a bit of antisec type blackhat) still, in REMARKABLY MUCH occasions, also the misinformation with quite some peeps got indirectly breached, they got indirectly plenty stimuli including information to find out about people trying to misinform them about me plus many other people got hidden from spooks sight sometimes e.g. by providing spooks alternative connections to go into that were made to appear as if it would be initial connections they would be researching (as in some connections got forged as if the original connection where in fact very different people where on the other end that the users spooks figured to go after, so to speak) other people even got physically defended, with operators or otherwise from multiple countries sent in to counter some spooks. other people who sometimes were even attacking me thinking i would be some troll (or something else), not even realizing how they got defended away from spooks and their misinforming tries. without kidding, quite some spooks got countered and in some occasions got kidnapped or passed away. but its not yet over. in some aspects severity got down; - much more prying eyes around, much less room to corrupt in the spooky perspective - much decreased spook means, with more means they couldnt, so now why would they be able to win now with less means and more prying eyes so to speak etc. however in some other aspects the corruption proof themselves willing to much more risky and nasty lately since getting caught/addressed proofs more and more realistic and even likely to them anyways, with these ^^ examples/reasoning and quite some other factors not really described much in here, i figure: i better try retreat more and also try minimize irc activity, if: then better on more populated servers and then still better minimized as it appears to me i might really bring threats to other people if i would continue, defending people should not be expected to cover too much and i already got some 'beatings' so to speak about me acting naively and also in regard to what extend i get to trigger some people via some redneckish urges i sometimes get to give in to etc. i got means here and there to irc in seriously protected manner wherever need be. at point of software, network/connectiongs etc. i should not game with it though and better not risk it too. meaning: as long as some core aspects of attacking tries to me/to defense are not definitely countered, i expect to refrain MAXIMALLY from socializing/irc'ing. you get to reach me, wherever applicable/necessary, in multiple ways like via e-mail. it is not too difficult to find out which addresses, if you get to know about me or if you get to know some people in it sec business. better watch out though, that you rather try contact via mail or facebook/twitter dm indirectly via e.g. throwaway email address and/or suggesting place to chat etc. please refrain from sharing sensitive information with me outside realm of more direct on demand contact such as via chat AND AFTER i got to confirm relatively safety to do so. please also watch very much spreading personal identity you got in my direction, something might slip through some gaps in the hands of spying nasty spooks, you better not get any name/contact details on their lists, rather utilize throwaway email addresses, encryption such as pgp, pseudonym nicks/names/etc and preferably NOT direct end-to-end digital communication but rather utilize public wireless networks/etc and combine such with tor network etc. it would potentially save LOTS of defense trying to keep the more naive you from spooky misery. still, you do get contact means, i just suggest you try to protect privacy you got maximally possible when coming near me, either personally or virtually. i will try to refrain from bringing any of you misery by, among other things, minimizing irc activity to a more of minimum. it is not meant against you. better dont be too sorry if you one of people who mistook about me or got misinformed, as long as you dont DELIBERATELY continue CRIME/MISERY against me I don't think you deliver defense much cause to be addressed, if any at all in that manner. to some, however i get acquintances such as a person who supposedly helped 'automate' parts of 'DE military' or a pensioner who got quite the hot job with CH intelligence/state security branch, 'i do not work for any particular government' and 'i have not had any employee status with any government at all'. im not very well known by internet handles connected to the physical me in the dev scene, such as github. i did get to partake/contribute, however i dont think many consider it particularly easy to connect such activity to me via e.g. known handles easily associated to me as person. i have not been trying to catch tech savvy people in the scene or have them indexed with govt/spooks, rather to the contrary; i tried to warn about stasi like list efforts of people who spy e.g. via ctf games/cons/hackathons etc. as well as delivering noise that jeopardized indexing efforts to remarkable extends (>50%) sometimes indirectly by trying to trigger other people in delviering noise. to the contrary of what some think, i dont get to like making profit by harming others and i get serious strive to simply stay out of that realm. i was not so much out for attention as some figured (however i did try to get some stress unloading and friendly 'battery loading' exchanges, most people couldnt bear the redneckish i get to bring with me though, which i try not blame em for, i get to know its so redneckish with me sometime that it might appear even hostile to some others) i didnt want to jeopardize groups/friends/hackerspaces, sow misery among them, however some disagreements about me appeared quite definitive within some groups. i rather would have liked seeing many those asking me more questions and venting their frustration with me before concluding in such manner as to take stance about me among each other while trying to leave me as person out of the discussions about me. im very very shocked about the low level of serious open minded hacking mentality with much of scenery these days. much more appears close minded thanopen minded to me. much more assumptions than questions, which i would not expect just like that from people who are called smart. i wish many of you try more open minded. the more close minded does not bring much potential to whatever group regarding whatever activity including hacking. you better dont worry too much about 'my reputation'. i got plenty means. i got plenty network. however i dont show much means in current circumstances where corrupt spooks try to index means i got to try attack me with. meaning whatever whoever thinks or assumes about 'my reputation', wont be my problem. the more they know about me, the less bad they will talk about me. generalized, it comes down to this. the more people really get to know, the more they will likely ask questions and try ask questions before concluding, of course excluding possible exceptions like a tipsy person or a tired person or a enthusiastic person acting/talking a bit quick. some figured me affiliated with yak. if at all, not so much. i thought it was at hal2001 i got some login to that website, i kind of jumped around a bit as some kind of teenager with that login at that site, not always acting as i should when i posted something, all activity there altogether resembles just very few posts (like five or eight or so) and very few logins. if i get to recall correctly, its years ago already, 2005 or so, i got to try introduce some person from b0g with yak, utilizing the login i got to get that person an account. some figured me affiliated with electronic souls, netric, hackweiser, fux0r inc., w00tx0rs etc etc etc. also: if any, not so much, i have been superficially a little bit active/jumping throughout so called 'scene', SUPERFICIALLY that is, meaning there is almost nobody in the scene online around with whom i got more in depth with or shared projects with. with electronic souls some people wanted more crew about over two decades ago, so as it appears to me since i got a job with a erp company as some security/it/scripter guy and i got into some irc networks, some person from electronic souls offered me trial membership as some 'aspiring member', i think it lasted about a month and they never got to see anything they wanted to see. netric/those others; i got to hang around with some people, far most of it superficially and i think i wasnt member with any those groups except some teenager stuff like running a bit along with w00tx0rs, more as decoration than as hacker so to speak. i never ran any of their networks except i got to be netadmin/operator at some irc networks decades ago (and in one occasions after about 2020 with a sparsly populated irc net like e.g. <10 connections) some people think im very nasty hacking into many secrets, like some people figure i deliberately hacked into some irix systems connected with hong kong polytechnic university where supposedly xi jing ping studied, in fact i just scanned the net back then for vulnerable systems to some exploit i got like a present that already wasnt real zeroday anymore, via which i got into that particular irix and after getting into that system, i got to find out it was associated to that university. i wasnt aware of xi jin ping apparently studying/researching there at the time. it wasnt like me being apt or a specifically directed attack to that university, it was me jumping around as teenager realizing not so much about many things so to speak. i also did not hack versatel as well as jet propulsion laboratory or fbi teleconferencing system as some tried to accuse me of. i did not hack any of them at all. i think with the erp company both them as me still dont really understand much about what i really got to do overthere. i probably have gotten more understanding about that period by now, much more, but what i really did there.... well apart from offsetting fire alarm and sleeping the night over on the couch of some ceo i think i had better gotten my acts more together back in that time and i had better not tried to hide so much personal issues from peoples who got many means to help acting tough/smart meanwhile just jumping around like a teenager tryna see erry corner i got teh nose into. although i should not lie about me being aware about quite some technology and hacking stuff, yea i got some experience at quite some subjects, far most is not so much in depth developed, also digitally as i simply figured much not interesting enough plus i figured the technology 'not adult' meaning whatever i would in depth develop would probably be worthless or near worthless later on with advances or replacements so to speak. meaning: some get to consider me hacker where i think im not, or at least not so much developed one. i do get cognitive means and mentality that might fit the definition and when i would get to develop some more in depth, quite some people expect me to reach quite some level in relatively short time. however, i simply did not get into that type of development so i rather consider myself as someone with knowledge about hacking and not a practiced hacker myself in multiple ways also, to explain in between: humankind, generalized, calls people a baker if they publically (mind you, publically is different from the word commercially) exploit the activity baking. so if one gets to hobby bake breads at home, one is most commonly not called a 'baker' though more a person committing to activity baking, even if produced quality would be better than most qualified commercial bakers. humankind regularly calls a baker those who exploit the activity baking publically, it doesnt necessarily need to be commercially, though without publically exploiting the activity baking, one is most regularly not considerd 'a baker'. so i think whoever commits to hacking but doesnt publically exploit it, is hence thus not a hacker. that humankind acts hypocrite regarding this hacker word application compared to baker word application, rather indicates sektarian/cult influences associated to collective perception of hacking. so yea i get knowledge about hacking, no im not a hacker and at point of digital hacking im not very much practiced /developed one. nothing to be scared of. oh and although i do get knowledge about phreaking and lock picking too, i did not pick that lock when i got to be confined at reinier postlaan nijmegen 2015/2016 when i got out of the room into the garden across the fence to buy weed after the doors officially would be closed, i got somebody to open it with a key who didnt think to close it afterwards. i got knowledge about it, im not much of a picker at all. some people figure i would have phreaked the clock round, including satcom. i do get knowledge about satcom too, im not much of a phreaker like im not much of a picker, at all. i did not hack any of the satellites that some people figure i would have hacked. i got information about some people who assume i would have hacked quite some Open/VAX/VMS, while defending people/groups might have, i have not. im also not the command and control of defense. think that a grandma that is defended via police when somebody tried to rob her, does not need to be command and control of police to be defended plus many police dont even know that grandma while trying to defend her. yea i got defended while attacked, many defending people rather react to nasty crimes they get to strive less of within humankind than as if my butler. they just more of got some hooks, some cases, some possibilities delivered to them via me. some people assumed i wouldve stolen cc when something happened at a server i got to connect to from school sometimes when i tried to study ibs (less than a year) at school of the future, den bosch, which i did not. i got some list of cc and if i get to recall correctly i tried one with a porn site as a curious teenager without ordering a porn product but more like age verification, i wasnt too sure if the list would be fake and as a youngster i didnt think much of it and just tried. as per some information i got, the police contacted parents since the internet line couldnt just be shut down since dada got medical job and they seem to have contacted the school too around that same time from which i apparently connected to that server via ssh at that moment, i dont think i ever saw that server again and while dada told me he threw it in the river i think he might have given it to the police or let the police have it so to speak. some people say they got proof im a dangerous hacker since i got to repair some pager of dada about age 11/12 or so when official telco personnell told him it couldnt be repaired anymore. however it is true that after i got to 'mess' with it, after which according to dada it worked again as a pager, i still dont really understand what/how i would have repaired while messing with it. i think it might be some loose contact that in some sense connected again. some other people say i hacked a manufacturing plant in czech republic about age 15/16 when i got there with a school trip with the class. we got a tour through the plant and before we finished the tour we had to suddenly leave as in emergency exit with the whole group and supposedly because of some 'security incident' where the army wouldve ran in when we kinda ran out, well to the contrary of what some seem to suggest, i havent done it. there is some rumours going round that i wouldve hacked our school computers and made all cdrom drives open/close simultaneously. this wouldve supposedly happened about age 13/14/15 with the pierson college. in fact, these are rumours that did not really happen, i did not made those cdrom drives open/close simultaneously. also, to the contrary of some try to make appear, during the years 2006-2010 i did not hack any one wifi network/ap at all. yes i got a job with larger sailing charters like 2/3 mast ships and some so called high sea rated ships, traveling around many places and also getting contact with many peoples, although i got to travel far most of those years WITHOUT computer let alone that i wouldve hacked wifis during those days to disguise/obfuscate activity away from being easily associated to me. i got some ipod i think about winter 2008/2009, thats about the digital equipment i got with me back then except for some old fashioned cellphone (CELLphone, not SMARTphone) all those false accusations, false suggestions, false threat indications are quite easily and relatively rapidly countered and proven wrong, as long as one would get to strive SERIOUS research with me. thing is, corruption already knows much about their false proving corrupt and criminal with real research. hence, they try to block it, the road to real solutions is the road to really hanging to them at point of criminal psychology. please if any of you get to deal with such narratives where criminals try to enable themselves with, more or less directly, i ask you hereby to maximally minimize corrupt spooks room to speculate. the situation is a very very expensive one, not just at point of money, to legit national and security interest. the situation currently is still not over. however some things appear improved, other things appear more aggressive and more nasty as some people became afraid to get caught. please try to refrain from socializing with me as much as possible, if you contact please anonimize contact attempts as much as possible and limit contact attempts to attempts making an appointment to chat or something likewise instead of sending me sensitive information directly i will strive strategy to minimize online socializing to minimize defending work as well as threats to others. however, if i get online, you better be sure spooks cannot just secretly mess without being seen/countered, its not like im trying to take much chance there, also towards other people. im very very thankful about including many knowledge people more or less directly willing to try defend in this nasty situation (less directly as some people attached to the cases or parts of the cases arent even aware about my name or me being involved at all). some things to finish with; democratic state of law is basically not reality anywhere around the globe, including ch. most conflicts are fought about different subjects than far most masses get told to em under disguise of expertise/government/journalism. we currently get more proxy conflicts than authentic conflicts. over 50% of so called fuel to israel/gaza/palestine conflict as an example stems from politicized interest from areas far away from the conflict area and from parties who do not directly get stakes as warring parties as it appears to me. meaning even if the people themselves would want more peaceful, politicized interest from other regions and not directly involved people would try to keep it going. the great reset is not necessary for global sustainability, it basically tries to centralize away from quality stimulatives to consolidate 'influence' over the masses. in short: a relatively small bunch of people try to grab power and install themselves as ubermensch meanwhile trying to position the vast majority of regular humans (including standard judges etc) as untermensch. many people overlook that world government doesnt just mean world government policy making debate tables, but also world government mil/policing powers to enforce what people try to decide at debate tables. without such enforcing it would be like a lawbook and lawmaking process in a country WITHOUT police and public attorney and military. it is not for no reason that so many people refer to world govt /nwo as debate table evolution but almost nobody addressess this mil/policing power that EVERYBODY ELSE should be subject to according to them. terrorism as positioned currently throughout humankind functions as a tool in a toolbox. where much police say they want to get rid of it, some other so called world leaders wouldnt want to miss it as a tool in a toolbox. fundamentalism, as an example, is simply a different word for 'principal'. any person with serious princips is a fundamentalist. but when govt say 'please report people with princips', many would say 'thats a regime, we wont do that', so some people including some who tried abuse master degree psychology figured: if we position princips as fundamentalism and then attribute 'danger' to 'fundamentalism' we can basically get people to report on each other when somebody appears with princips in stubborn manner, not so much to secure society, but its people with princips who are seen as danger to criminals in the eye of criminals. its people with princips that some consider possibly tackling so called great reset. its people with princips who dont want to easily go along with criminal misery. im not kidding you, beware! maybe see/talk to you later. better try to stay safe, be careful. g disclaimer: i got to give in to a bit lousy language/writing appliance, with spreading message in mind and not considering punctuation/grammar as too necessary. i think you get the message like this, otherwise yuo are suggested to read twice or more and slower as well, it would enhance understanding in most cases, btw these subjects are this much hefty, that stimulating to read twice/more and slower via irregular language appliance wouldnt be stupid with todays on demand consumption urges also in regard to intellectual exchanging tries like this message. many of you are so much accustomed to kind of fast food consumption patterns but then with social media and texts that some of you even refuse to consider content if the shaping is not according their wishes/preferences/likes and some would consider very informative messages stupid more because of its shaping than even decently considering its content. so what i got to write here is more 'so to speak' and might contain some mishaps/errors here and there. to culprits: none of your criminal opinions/suggestions change any of the facts on any professional table, so to speak, you might try to fool people with it that dont really bring much to the table, others you are unable to fool with it. any day, any moment, you figure yourself able to continue; you deliver more proof about yourself and you deliver more cause about yourself and you deliver more tracks to be found etc. etc. none of you can even be my problem, you cannot even be my problem if you wanted it, plus this is arranged in such manner that you couldnt even be my problem if you got me killed. also, instead of gaining relief you would get (much) more difficulties if you would get me killed. it is not in any ones countries interest, real interest, to kill me, which is quite easily proven. it would deliver difficulties to any countries serious interest to kill me, also quite easily proven, not because im tough but more because you criminal scum wanted to connect interest to the cases around me, to hide behind, now you cannot hide behind that interest, but you cannot make it go away either, meaning the interest is still on the line while you cannot hide behind it, because of this interest, i urge you to be very wary trying to kill me, i think you might feel sorry you ever got born if you would get me killed, i think because attached interest some people might run you over with a lawn mower so to speak if you would get me killed, slowly, without even consulting courts first and outside standard realm/procedures of police/etc. since, you know, acute state security affairs and interest plus slick corruptions with intelligence means that are likely to abuse gaps in official law systems to very expensive extends, in such circumstances many operators and generals dont really think regular court procedures necessary. nasty culprits, you wanted to bring others a case, now you will not be able to forbid others to pick the cases up, whether you like it or not, and others get very very serious duties obliged with these cases, right now, across the globe. you culprits had better not dared to start such fascistoid criminality.